Citiguard’s Airport and Aircraft Security Services Division (CAASSD) provides specialized transportation security services to port and airport authorities, select airlines, and the federal government. Our services include security screening of passenger and baggage, airport employees, and cargo; access control; patrol services; aircraft protection; and vehicle and personnel escort.
The was created by Congress as part of the Aviation and Transportation Security Act (ATSA) of 2001 to allow private screening companies to conduct passenger and baggage screening at airports under TSA’s regulation and oversight. Through innovative staffing, progressive discipline and best business practices, a private company can aggressively address any operational, personnel or performance concerns. Specific needs of an airport and its stakeholders such as attendance, customer service, and wait times can all be addressed more efficiently by using a private security screening company.
Citiguard can provide commercial security screening services to the TSA under the privatization pilot program initiated by the Aviation and Transportation Security Act (ATSA).
A reliable and affordable airport transport service that relieves you from queuing and tension, while delivering you privately, safely and in comfort. Citiguard is dedicated to the safety of your aircraft, crew, passengers, and cargo. Our rigorous training programs and standard operating procedures underscore that commitment.
Citiguard will help ensure the full inspection of an aircraft in accordance with TSA regulations and your directives.
Citiguard can provide a certified team for aircraft access control and full screening service (wanding, pat down and bag search) for maintenance and service personnel, prior to boarding, in accordance with TSA and your directives. We also offer screening (wanding, pat down and bag search) at the boarding gate or at the aircraft of all non-airline service personnel and their personal property.
Citiguard’s professional team of certified screeners will conduct screening (wanding, pat down and bag search) in accordance with TSA and your directives. This service can be performed at a variety of airport locations including the (FBO) fixed-base operator, or the ramp just prior to boarding.
A fixed-base operator (FBO) is a commercial business granted the right by an airport to operate on the airport and provide aeronautical services such as fueling, hangaring, tie-down and parking, aircraft rental, aircraft maintenance, flight instruction, etc.[1] In common practice, an FBO is a primary provider of support services to general aviation operators at a public-use airport either located on airport leasehold property or, in rare cases, adjacent to airport leasehold property as a through-the-fence operation.
Our goal of effective and efficient airport/aircraft security and screening services is founded upon experience, best business practices, technology, innovation and consistency that promote customer service in the security screening process. Citiguard has the management structure, business systems, human resource processes, and quality assurance programs needed to exceed the expectations of any airport. Only through our people can we guarantee superior customer-focused security services that enhance the screening experience for the traveling public.
Aircraft/cargo protection – physical security to deter tampering and sabotage, as well as to record and report activity and incidents around your aircraft. Virtually 100% security is assured if armed guards surrounded your aircraft at all times when it is parked.
Executive /crew protection – professional, discreet specialists to safeguard executives and crew on the ground
Secure ground transportation – low-profile vehicles with expert drivers trained in security measures and knowledgeable about local traffic patterns
Crisis management – assistance with crisis situations, facilitated by Citiguard and provided by our third-party vendors
Contact Citiguard to set up your free airport/aircraft security and screening services consultation today to discuss protecting your airport with our knowledgeable aviation security protection consultants.
Our security protection consultants at Citiguard are highly educated and experienced with over 50 years of experience.